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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hotness Galore

As you may or may not know I have a little crush on Ryan Reynolds. Not only is he sexy and funny, but he is also tall! He is 6'2 which I love because if hell froze over and we dated I would be able to wear heels all the time and not feel guilty about it.. :) Also, he looks great in a suit... (aahh Ryan... *drools ). But no, this post is not just me talking about how Hot Ryan Reynolds is, I think we all need a little eye candy. I sure as heck do. Especially today because I've had a long day.

Via tumblr

Via GQmagazine

Other than Ryan Reynolds, other celebrity crushes of mine include Adam Levine, Adrien Brody (i get teased about this one -_-) and an up and coming Spanish model River Viiperi... I don't know what it is about Adrien but he just has something that I find attractive. Could it be the nose?

Via tumblr


 I will also include a clip from an old interview with young Axl Rose. He was the hottest thing alive back then, and I watch that interview over and over again. His voice, his eyes, I love everything about him in this video! <3.  

But enough about me and my crushes because I could stay up all night daydreaming about this guys haha.. So what are your celebrity crushes? or Who do you daydream about?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Celebrity Outfit of the Week: Kate Moss

Courtesy of

This week my favorite celebrity outfit comes from the beautiful, super stylish model Miss Kate Moss! I love everything about this outfit! It is simple, looks comfortable, yet it looks pretty and polished at the same time. I am just dying to have those pants. I think I could wear them in many different ways, dress them up or dress them down.

Most of the outfit is made up of pretty basic things that I think most of us already have in our closet. A white t-shirt, black flats, a blazer, and for accessories a black bag and sunglasses. So what do you guys think of the outfit? Is it as cute as I think it is or do I think that it is cute just because Kate Moss is wearing it and she can make anything look stylish? lol.

Until next time,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Music is my boyfriend!

GAHH! Sorry I've been gone for many days x] .. I've been enjoying the first official days of Summer.
Plus I've just had so much to do so it wasn't just about Fun, Fun, Fun! like a certain 13-year old girl sings. (BTW yesterday was her birthday.. did you remember to wish her well?)
I have been all about music for the last few days. Listening to my rock idols Zeppelin, Rolling Stones and CCR before work everyday, which just puts me on a good mood and I think that is essential if you work in retail. I need my music fix or I can't be nice to the demanding costumers! Also, I went to my first Zumba class yesterday hehe .. I gotta say I enjoyed it but I was ready to die by the end of the hour, plus the music was a little weird for my taste. If you don't know what Zumba is google it you lazies! .. lol Jk.. it's like aerobics but with music, it's harder than it looks but really, really fun.

Anyways, I thought I would share with you guys a song I can't seem to be able to get out of my head. It's Top of the World by The Cataracs, you've probably heard it before. I just can't get enough of it! I love Cyranizzy and Campa, ..Actually I say I love a lot of guys, (I should stop that!).. I love the video, it makes me wish I got pulled over but sadly the cops in my town don't look half as cute as these two.. lmao. Plus, this song introduced me to the best pick-up line I have ever heard, "Your daddy must have been a drug dealer. -Why? - Cuz you're dope" :D .. I am so using that as soon as I get a chance!

So check out the song and I hope you guys enjoy it.. and I promise not to be long for so long again. (well I'll try).

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Whatever Goes Through a Girl's Mind at 4 in the Morning?

It is now 4:16 am and i just got home. I am debating on whether i should go to bed or just stay awake..  ahh screw it! I'll pull an all nighter x]
Anyways, I ended up not watching Super 8, Bridesmaids seemed like a better idea since I was in the mood for a good laugh. And what laughs that movie was!
At first I was hesitant to watch it because people were saying it was like the female version of The Hangover which to me sounded like they it would be the same movie just with women and The Hangover is one of my favorite movies. I didn't want to be dissapointed, plus I think most women who think they are funny just come off as bitchy, which the feminist in me hates to admit but that's my opinion at least.
I'm glad I watched it though, it was hilarious. If you haven't seen it yet please do yourself a favor and just go already!! .. I loved the cop, he was so sweet =) .. AND the movie got me out of the dark mood i had been in for the last few days. It kind of reminded me that things happen for a reason.

In a whole different topic, the last Harry Potter movie is only 29 days away! (I'm sad, I'm excited, I don't know what the heck I'm feeling! lol) .. Gotta go buy my tickets soon and hopefully I can fix my tattoo too before the movie comes out.. not sure why but I feel like it has to be done and perfect by that time.. And if you are wondering yes I have a Harry Potter tattoo but it means so much more to me than that, it is a more of a tribute to my childhood type of thing. The thing is when I got it I went for something very simple just because I know I hate needles and if it hurt I wouldn't be able to finish it. I didn't want to be running around with just half a tattoo lol.. so now that I know I can endure the pain I plan to go in and work on it some more ,make it more detailed. We'll see how that goes, but for now I think I'll hit the gym since I have nothing better to do.

Sweet Dreams to those of you that actually sleep at night.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Favorite Celebrity Outfit This Week

Courtesy of

I just adore Elle Fanning! She is beautiful AND she has great style that even I can relate to even though I am much older than her. I like looking at celebrities outfits for inspiration so every week i will post my favorite outfit (or try to.. it depends on whether i have time to blog) .

So, the reason I picked this outfit is because the beaches where I live are usually kind of cold even though it is California. So if I were to just wear a bathing suit (which many girls do!) I would freeze to death, (not really but you know what I mean). Elle's dress and jacket combo is cute and it just works for the beach, plus the hat adds interest and pulls the whole outfit together.

Btw, have any of you guys seen Super 8? I hear it's a good movie, I might catch it later with my best friend but we'll see.

Gotta go get ready,

If You Care (and I know you don't)... Here are 30 things i like

In no particular order:
-The Beatles
-Harry Potter
-Rainy days
-Hugs (they're free!)
-My iPod
-Long road trips
-The smell of new things
-Watching shows like Say Yes to the Dress, Cake Boss, The Voice, and 19 Kids and Counting (Is it still 19?)
-Writing down my thoughts
-The smell of sharpie
-Cute guys
-Band T-shirts
-Nail polish
-Working out

That should give you an idea about what i might be blogging about in the future. <3

Let's start this off with 25 Random Facts About Me.

1. I know my voice is not so great but i like to sing.. I sing ALL the time. In the shower, in my car, while watching TV, while doing my homework.. I also sing in my head when I'm in any public place.. and sometimes i even sing in my dreams.

2. I am a fast reader.. I finished the last Harry Potter book in a day (not kidding!)

3. I like to run.. I would love to have someone scream "Run Forrest, Run!" when they see me running.. it would make me feel awesome.

4. The one thing I want to do before I die is go to Spain with little money in my pocket, no plans and all the time in the world.

5. My absolutely favorite band is The Beatles (Although Queen is a close second).

6. When i was little i had many pets including dogs, cats, fish and at some point a chicken.

7. I don't watch scary movies. The reason?.. they scare me x] .. I'm a chicken and I'm okay with it.

8. Right after i got my drivers license i ran over a dog ... in my defense, the dog came out of nowhere and i tried to stop. Luckily nothing happened to him but i did cry because i felt so bad about the poor little guy. :(

9. I enjoy spending time by myself. I am almost always with someone because i have many friends and a big family but i really like being alone.

10. I became a vegetarian about a year and a half ago ... I just can't eat meat anymore now that i know about the mass production of animals and how they are killed.

11. I have been cutting my own hair for a while now. I've saved a lot of $$ and my hair doesn't look that bad!

12. I loved climbing trees when i was little. So when I am alone at the park and I see a tree I climb it for old times sakes.

13. I have a birthmark on my back. I got it from my dad. (Remember this one in case i get lost!)

14. I am in LOVE with high heels! :) .. but I normally don't wear them because I feel too tall in them... I'm 5'9 btw.

15. I always find myself cracking my fingers when i feel self-conscious or nervous.

16. I can't sleep unless I am hugging something.

17. Before High School I had never had a female best friend ... I grew up playing with my brothers so I always got along better with boys.

18. While on that subject, when I was little I was a master at playing marbles, I always won. ... Needless to say all the boys in my neighborhood respected me for it.

19. I missed my High School prom to go to my brother's wedding .. and I don't regret it one bit!

20. One of my favorite books is "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss.

21. I want to write a book in the future.

22. In 5th grade I was the faster reader in the class and my teacher was always making other students compete with me to encourage them to practice reading.. I rarely lost.

23. I have had WAY too many nicknames throughout my life. I can't even remember them all!

24. Nobody has ever called me by my middle name. EVER. .. not even my family or my mom when she is mad at me.

25. I can't whistle (at all) and I also can't yell in public, and believe I've tried.

Bonus: In 3rd grade I got in trouble for putting gum in all the desks during recess (yes, in the teacher's chair too) .. they found out it was me because I was the only one without gum in my butt.