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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You know.. I think Bill Maher's got a point...

I'm just laying here in bed with the worst flu symptoms I've felt in a while thanks to the fact that my immune system is as weak as they come *sigh* .. so I've been watching youtube videos all day. Right now it's a Bill Maher documentary called Religulous. I've seen it before but I just wanted a good laugh so I'm re-watching it. If you haven't seen it I definitely recommend it. It is a documentary on religions and the crazy things that people believe.

I love the way he questions people until they don't know what else to say! Plus I'm pretty sure that guy claimming he was "cured" from being gay was flirting with Bill at the end of their interview lol.. This is by far one of my favorite documentaries. I think Bill does a great job at raising all this questions about different religions, he is not just focused on one, or bashing all religions for believing crazy things.

This is as far as my mind will go today so I'm off to get a little rest now, hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. Btw I know I haven't done the celebrity outfit this week but I haven't seen any good outfits so far. Will keep looking tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I think religion can make people go crazy. I believe in God, but it makes me mad when people say "if your gay, or swear, or drink, or smoke, Your ganna go to hell." They turn god into this evil image. I think God is forgiving, I sure hope so :] and I really can't take the judging. But I also think that the world needs religion, otherwise all hell would break loose, If they didn't follow the bible then they would think its ok to murder and commit Adultery and all kinds of terrible stuff. Also it gives them comfort. I think religion is pretty cool too, because it helps creates all these traditions and cultures.

    anywho those are my thoughts haha, i found your post very interesting

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