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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's start this off with 25 Random Facts About Me.

1. I know my voice is not so great but i like to sing.. I sing ALL the time. In the shower, in my car, while watching TV, while doing my homework.. I also sing in my head when I'm in any public place.. and sometimes i even sing in my dreams.

2. I am a fast reader.. I finished the last Harry Potter book in a day (not kidding!)

3. I like to run.. I would love to have someone scream "Run Forrest, Run!" when they see me running.. it would make me feel awesome.

4. The one thing I want to do before I die is go to Spain with little money in my pocket, no plans and all the time in the world.

5. My absolutely favorite band is The Beatles (Although Queen is a close second).

6. When i was little i had many pets including dogs, cats, fish and at some point a chicken.

7. I don't watch scary movies. The reason?.. they scare me x] .. I'm a chicken and I'm okay with it.

8. Right after i got my drivers license i ran over a dog ... in my defense, the dog came out of nowhere and i tried to stop. Luckily nothing happened to him but i did cry because i felt so bad about the poor little guy. :(

9. I enjoy spending time by myself. I am almost always with someone because i have many friends and a big family but i really like being alone.

10. I became a vegetarian about a year and a half ago ... I just can't eat meat anymore now that i know about the mass production of animals and how they are killed.

11. I have been cutting my own hair for a while now. I've saved a lot of $$ and my hair doesn't look that bad!

12. I loved climbing trees when i was little. So when I am alone at the park and I see a tree I climb it for old times sakes.

13. I have a birthmark on my back. I got it from my dad. (Remember this one in case i get lost!)

14. I am in LOVE with high heels! :) .. but I normally don't wear them because I feel too tall in them... I'm 5'9 btw.

15. I always find myself cracking my fingers when i feel self-conscious or nervous.

16. I can't sleep unless I am hugging something.

17. Before High School I had never had a female best friend ... I grew up playing with my brothers so I always got along better with boys.

18. While on that subject, when I was little I was a master at playing marbles, I always won. ... Needless to say all the boys in my neighborhood respected me for it.

19. I missed my High School prom to go to my brother's wedding .. and I don't regret it one bit!

20. One of my favorite books is "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss.

21. I want to write a book in the future.

22. In 5th grade I was the faster reader in the class and my teacher was always making other students compete with me to encourage them to practice reading.. I rarely lost.

23. I have had WAY too many nicknames throughout my life. I can't even remember them all!

24. Nobody has ever called me by my middle name. EVER. .. not even my family or my mom when she is mad at me.

25. I can't whistle (at all) and I also can't yell in public, and believe I've tried.

Bonus: In 3rd grade I got in trouble for putting gum in all the desks during recess (yes, in the teacher's chair too) .. they found out it was me because I was the only one without gum in my butt.


  1. Wow I just love to learn more about you!!! Y si creo q el futuro vas a escribir un libro y espero q me lo firmes ok :) el resto ya lo sabia me nos lo del perro ah y lo de la travesura de la gum jaja es fue el bonus wow :) soy tu number 1 fan ok no te olvides

  2. interesting...hopefully someone won't stalk you with this blog xD just kidding...or am I? anyways nice to meet you fellow blogger

  3. @Nancy thank u!! Love ya! :)
    @Miss Bobo .. Stalk away! Lol it's a free country hehe and nice to meet you too :]
